We recognise that we can all play a part in improving the world we live in and in the way we conduct business and operate.
As a Carbon Negative business since 2020, we understand the need for businesses like ours to come together to fight against climate change.
We've made some positive changes in the way we impact our stakeholders, such as implementing ISO14001 at USE, transitioning to ISO45001 at UEC and Birwelco, implementing ISO45001 at USE, maintaining our Carbon Negative status, recruiting apprentices, and working with graduates from local universities.
We also continue to find ways to improve our operations in ways that have a positive affect both internally and externally.
supported projects
Supported Project - Energy Efficient Cook Stove Implementation, India.
Supported Project - AMI Khanh Hoa Solar Project, Vietnam.
Supported Project - Chaiyaphum Wind Farm Power Project, Thailand.
As an engineering and manufacturing business that operates around the world in complex but heavy engineering and in what is considered a dirty industry, it is important that we work in a way which is sustainable, ethical and that has a positive economic, social and environmental impact on society.
2 years on from the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, and one thing we've learnt from the world-wide disruption is how important it is for businesses, communities and governments to work together in order to tackle these global challenges. The pandemic escalated our health and safety efforts, but also highlighted the pressure we were putting our planet under.
Our Corporate Social Responsibility Report outlining our promises for the future and how we aim to further improve the way we work. You can download the report here